
  • 17 Janvier 2022Protect Your Investments

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the January 2022 issue of Canadian...

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  • 16 Décembre 2021What a Year -- Top 10 Articles from the BCRC Blog in 2021

    This past year presented Canadian beef producers with a lot of different...

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  • 25 Octobre 2021Basics of Backgrounding - Veterinary & Expert Insights Across Canada Webinar November 17th

    Are you new to backgrounding? Join us as we...

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  • 7 Octobre 2021What’s the most profitable post-weaning choice for your calves? Try our updated calculator!

    Drought conditions across the country this year remind...

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  • 7 Septembre 2021Tips for Starting Lightweight Calves on Feed

    CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST: Listen to more episodes...

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  • 18 Août 2021Decision Making During Drought

    Producers coping with severe drought and feed shortages have tough decisions to make about culling, weaning and cow...

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  • 22 Mai 2019Top findings about adoption of beneficial practices on Canadian cow-calf operations

    Sometimes it can be hard to know where you’re going if you...

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  • 17 Décembre 2018Results of recent Cow-Calf Production Surveys across Canada

    Industry data provided by production surveys can serve as a benchmark for production...

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  • 31 Juillet 2018Producers with Large Herds Are Believers in Low Stress Weaning

    Editor’s note: The following is the second in a two part series. See part one about...

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  • 30 Juillet 2018Low-stress weaning benefits on several levels

    Editor’s note: The following is the first in a two-part series on low stress weaning. In part two,...

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  • 18 Septembre 2017Bovine Respiratory Disease from the Farm to the Feedlot

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the...

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  • 13 Avril 2017Less Complaining. More Gaining.

    Calves that are fence-line weaned vocalize 50% less, walk less, and have higher weight gains in the first 10 weeks...

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  • 17 Août 2015Stretching Feed Supplies

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the August 2015 issue of...

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  • 14 Avril 2014Calculator: What is the Value of Preconditioning Calves?

    Preconditioning is a management method that prepares calves to enter the feedlot, reducing...

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  • 24 Septembre 2013Try These Weaning Techniques for More Productive Calves this Fall

    Ideas for keeping stress at a minimum during weaning. Poursuivre la lecture

  • 2 Mai 2013Pain Mitigation: Latest Video in Beef Research School Series

    Branding, dehorning and castration are painful, but pain is very difficult to measure in...

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  • 23 Août 2012Reducing Weaning Stress Part 2 - Improving Profits

    This is a guest post written by Karin Schmid, Beef Production Specialist with the Alberta Beef...

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  • 16 Août 2012Reducing Weaning Stress

    Calves are weaned to ensure cows can recover their body condition after raising a calf all summer, and to allow for...

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