
  • 19 Mai 2021Test Stock Water & Reduce Worry🎙️

    CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST: Listen to more episodes on BeefResearch.ca, Spotify,...

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  • 29 Avril 2021Resources for Drought Management

    Recurring drought is a natural part of the climate in many areas of Canada and creates a challenge when managing...

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  • 28 Avril 2020Water Systems: New Web Page

    Editor’s note: Relevant and up-to-date information that had been available on Foragebeef.ca is gradually being added to...

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  • 20 November 2019Three Producers Share Ideas That Improve Efficiency

    Editors note: This article is the third in a series featuring ideas from beef producers across the...

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  • 27 Août 2019What’s in your (stock) water?

    Beef producers often worry about having too much water or not enough on their farms. However water quality,...

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  • 27 Février 2019How Much Water is Used to Make a Pound of Beef?

    Yes, it takes water to produce beef, but in the 2.5 million years since our ancestors started eating...

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  • 21 November 2018Five Producers Share Ideas That Have Made Their Farms and Ranches More Efficient

    Editors note: This article is the second in a series featuring ideas...

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  • 24 Avril 2018Eight beef producers share their recent changes

    Canadian beef producers appear to be keeping up with the often heard axiom “the only constant in...

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  • 19 Avril 2018Are Cattle Drinking Canada Dry?

    We often see headlines about how human lifestyle and dietary choices (particularly beef consumption) can impact...

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  • 5 Avril 2018How quickly do water systems pay for themselves? New calculator available

    Allowing cattle access to clean water can improve herd health, as well...

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  • 14 Décembre 2017The Canadian Beef Industry's Water Footprint is Shrinking

    In 2016, the Beef Cattle Research Council’s (BCRC’s) Science Director received 10...

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  • 1 Mai 2017Copper Deficiency Takes Heavy Toll

    Water testing can help prevent a wreck in reproductive performance Garret Hill, Duval, SK. Photo courtesy...

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  • 25 Avril 2017Better Water = Bigger Calves: Raise Your Beef IQ

    A water source that is safe, palatable, and readily available is essential for animal survival, but...

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  • 21 Avril 2017Questioning the Beef Industry’s Water Use

    April 22nd is Earth Day. Earth Day is recognized globally by people from all walks of life as a way to...

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  • 17 Avril 2017Water Fight

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the April 2017 issue of Canadian Cattlemen...

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