
  • 19 Avril 2018Are Cattle Drinking Canada Dry?

    We often see headlines about how human lifestyle and dietary choices (particularly beef consumption) can impact...

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  • 21 Avril 2017Questioning the Beef Industry’s Water Use

    April 22nd is Earth Day. Earth Day is recognized globally by people from all walks of life as a way to...

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  • 15 Mars 2016Beef: a Nutritious Part of a Sustainable Diet

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the March...

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  • 28 Juillet 2014Hot Air Doesn’t Just Come from Cattle

    A week ago, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published “Land, irrigation, water, greenhouse...

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  • 13 Janvier 20145 Ways to Prepare to Meet Future Sustainable Beef Requirements

    This is a guest post written by Fawn Jackson, Canadian Cattlemen's Association Manager...

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  • 16 Septembre 2013Sustainable Beef

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the September 2013 issue of Canadian...

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