
  • 16 November 2022Seven Tips for Grazing Corn

    Grazing standing corn has many benefits including being a high-energy forage but can also pose animal health risks if not...

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  • 21 Octobre 2020Don’t be Lame – New Web Page with Resources for Preventing and Managing Lameness in Beef Cattle

    Not all lameness is caused by foot rot. Getting a...

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  • 6 Décembre 2018Mycotoxins

    An overview of what mycotoxins are, the threat they represent for Canadian beef production and how to implement best practices to protect...

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  • 13 Septembre 20185 Tips for Grazing Corn This Fall and Winter

    Corn grazing is becoming more popular across Canada because producers can grow more biomass on less land....

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  • 19 Juillet 2016Be on the Lookout for Ergot

    This guest post written by Sherri Roberts, Regional Crops Specialist - Weyburn, SK. To learn more about ergot, see the...

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