Michael Schellenberg Ph.D.

  • 15 Avril 2019Exceptional Forages for Marginal Lands

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the April 2019 issue...

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  • 23 Février 2015Forage Stand Mixtures

    Establishing new pastures can be expensive and producers often prioritize stand life over yield. Seeding complex mixtures of...

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  • 26 Mai 2014Developing Improved Native and Tame Forage Varieties for Western Canada

    A reliable and productive forage base is critically important to maintaining a...

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  • 27 November 2013Drought Tolerant Forage Mixtures

    Because native species may increase carbon sequestration, improve wildlife habitat, lower agronomic inputs, and...

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