
  • 19 Février 2021What goes in must come out: manure and nutrient management

    In a cow-calf operation where cattle are often fed in pens for a portion of the year, pens...

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  • 20 Février 2020Cost of Manure Management

    Manure, when used properly, is a valuable resource for the cropping or forage sectors, but handling it comes with a cost....

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  • 11 Mars 2019What happens when the manure hits the field?

    Nutrients from agriculture can be lost to the atmosphere as gaseous emissions such as ammonia, nitrous...

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  • 25 Juillet 2013Fertilizing Pastures and Hay: Beef Research School Episode

    In the previous episode of the Beef Research School, Dr. Paul Jefferson explained how to...

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  • 6 Juin 2013Manure Application and Soil Nutrient Management: New Video

    Cattle manure is a valuable resource in agriculture when utilized properly. On an annual...

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  • 19 Mars 2013Johne’s Disease and the Ethical Dilemma

    This article written by Dr. Steve Hendrick, from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the...

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  • 14 Janvier 2013Explaining Growth Promotants Used in Feedlot Cattle

    Feed efficiency in cattle can make or break profitability in the feeding sector, and has...

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  • 5 Octobre 2012E. coli O157:H7: an Industry Research Priority

    E. coli O157:H7, the cause for the recent, extensive beef recall, is one of the few types of E. coli...

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