John Campbell DVM DVSc

  • 23 November 2021Always Look a Gift Cow in the Mouth

    There's more to cattle-buying decisions than price alone. Introducing adult cows or bulls to an existing herd...

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  • 7 Octobre 2019Unintended Consequences

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the October 2019 issue of Canadian...

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  • 18 Septembre 2019Replacement Heifers – Money, Management, and Momentum

    Do you raise your own heifers? Or do you prefer to purchase your replacements? Regardless of...

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  • 25 Septembre 2018Economic and Reproductive Factors of Replacement Heifer development – Webinar October 3

    Join this webinar to discuss dollars, sense, and fertility -...

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  • 30 Mai 2018Pain, Pain, Go Away

    Beef producers are busy in the spring and summer months processing cattle, performing common procedures such as castration and...

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  • 1 Mai 2018Maintaining Momentum During the Breeding Season

    Reproductive wrecks can happen all at once or slowly over several years. With breeding season just...

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  • 15 Octobre 2015Practical and Effective Methods of Pain Control: Webinar October 21

    Update: Missed the webinar? Find the recording and check for future webinars on...

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  • 17 Février 2015Establishing a Long Term Surveillance Network to Support Canadian Beef Cattle Research

    Currently there is no structured surveillance program to...

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  • 14 Février 2014Boosting the Calf Crop Percentage in Your Beef Herd: Webinar on Feb. 25

    Updated February 28, 2014: Missed the webinar? Find the recording and check...

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  • 19 Septembre 2013Q&A on the Science that Informed a Renewed Beef Code

    Following an extensive process that began in 2010, the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling...

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  • 9 Juillet 2013Preventing Wrecks Caused by Infectious Disease: New Video

    There's no question - the introduction, re-occurrence or spread of cattle diseases can be...

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  • 16 Mai 2013Horns and Brands: Canada’s Beef Carcass Quality Audit

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the...

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  • 2 Mai 2013Pain Mitigation: Latest Video in Beef Research School Series

    Branding, dehorning and castration are painful, but pain is very difficult to measure in...

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