12 Février 2025Out with the Old, In with the New 🎙️ New forage varieties are helping fill gaps in the grazing season by allowing beef cattle to graze for longer...
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30 Janvier 2025Growing Forage Crops -- What Does It Cost? Do you know the cost of producing the forage you feed? Try the BCRC's new Forage Cost of Production...
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25 Mai 2023BCRC Announces $2 Million in Funding for 12 Beef Research Projects Industry funding will be leveraged with over $4 million in matching funding through...
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24 November 2022One Size Doesn’t Fit All -Learnings from the Canadian Cow-Calf Cost of Production Network's Future Farm Scenarios Certain management strategies have varying...
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6 Janvier 2022Rebuild & Recover – Two Producers Share their Experiences with Fire and Drought For many beef producers across Canada, the past year was challenging...
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21 Septembre 2021Registration Now Open For 2021/2022 Webinar Series This year’s Beef Cattle Research Council webinar series will cover a range of topics including...
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14 Septembre 2021Looking to Make the Most of Forage Quality? Consider These Factors Editor’s...
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10 Août 2021Experts Respond to Drought Questions On July 29, the Beef Cattle Research Council hosted a webinar that allowed beef producers to ask drought-related...
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17 Mai 2021How Mother Nature Hedges Her Bets This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the May 2021 issue of...
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11 Mai 2021Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: Tips for Forest Grazing Cattle 🎙️ CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST: Listen to more...
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29 Avril 2021Resources for Drought Management Recurring drought is a natural part of the climate in many areas of Canada and creates a challenge when managing...
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25 November 2019Plan to Adapt When Grazing Adaptive grazing herd management applies to grazing practices that are developed with careful consideration to the specific...
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20 November 2019Three Producers Share Ideas That Improve Efficiency Editors note: This article is the third in a series featuring ideas from beef producers across the...
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4 Février 2019Grazing Management Editor's note: Relevant and up-to-date information that had been available on Foragebeef.ca is gradually being added to...
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14 Juin 2016Tips for Increasing Sugar Content in Forages Cattle that consume forages with higher sugar content have higher rates of gain, improved performance and...
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28 Octobre 2013How to do a Rangeland Health Assessment: Videos Rangeland, or range, can perform a number of valuable functions for both the livestock industry as...
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25 Juillet 2013Fertilizing Pastures and Hay: Beef Research School Episode In the previous episode of the Beef Research School, Dr. Paul Jefferson explained how to...
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20 Mars 2013New Sainfoin for Safer Alfalfa Grazing This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the March 2013 issue...
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