Getahun Legesse Ph.D.

  • 31 Juillet 2017Take in the BCRC Presentation August 17th in Calgary

    Every time a beef producer in Canada markets an animal, he or she invests in research - through a...

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  • 21 Avril 2017Questioning the Beef Industry’s Water Use

    April 22nd is Earth Day. Earth Day is recognized globally by people from all walks of life as a way to...

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  • 6 Septembre 2016Announcing the Beef Researcher Mentorship Program 2016-17 Participants

    The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is pleased to announce the...

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  • 7 Août 2016Our Environmental Hoofprint is Shrinking, but our Reach is Growing

    Early this year, the BCRC Blog highlighted a study titled “Greenhouse gas...

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  • 11 Janvier 2016The Environmental Hoofprint of Canada’s Beef Industry

    Producing beef with lower GHG emissions and using fewer resources Over the years,...

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