Feed Rations

  • 9 Août 2023CowBytes Ration-Balancing Software Now Available Through the BCRC

    Producers can formulate feed rations and consider feed and byproducts at different...

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  • 2 Décembre 2021Attention aux Minéraux

    DE QUELS SUPPLÉMENTS DE MINÉRAUX AI-JE BESOIN ET À QUEL MOMENT ? Les producteurs de bœufs pourraient savoir qu’ils...

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  • 15 November 2021Winter Feed Cost Comparison Calculator - Managing Variable Costs

    Winter feed is the largest year-over-year variable cost faced by producers.  Poursuivre la lecture

  • 7 Septembre 2021Tips for Starting Lightweight Calves on Feed

    CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST: Listen to more episodes...

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  • 24 Août 2020Winter Feed Cost Comparison Calculator – Regional Trends and Opportunities

    As producers look for ways to protect margins and minimize losses this...

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  • 23 Octobre 2019Winter Feeding Cost Comparison – Hay vs. Alternative Feeds

    Fall has arrived and focus has shifted to winter feed supplies. Feed prices have dropped...

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  • 10 Septembre 2015Evaluating Corn Silage

    To maintain profitability with rising feed grain prices, feedlots are required to consider alternatives to purchased...

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  • 17 Août 2015Stretching Feed Supplies

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the August 2015 issue of...

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  • 26 Mars 2015New Resources Added to BodyConditionScoring.ca Help Cow-Calf Producers Increase Profits

    New resources have been added to BodyConditionScoring.ca to...

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  • 31 Juillet 2014Ergot: Low Levels Cause Big Problems

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the July 2014 issue of...

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  • 23 Septembre 2013Ergot Spotted in Western Canada -Keep an Eye Out

    This is a guest post written by Karin Schmid, Beef Production Specialist with the Alberta Beef...

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  • 5 Septembre 2013Do DDGS Affect Feedlot Cattle Health?

    Corn, wheat and other grains contain 68-70% starch, 10-13% protein, 2-4% oil, 2-3% fiber and 2% minerals....

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  • 19 Juin 2013Optimizing protein levels in diets containing distillers' grains

    Optimizing protein formulation in the diet of growing beef cattle is one of the most...

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  • 18 Mars 2013Ruminal Acidosis: Beef Research School Episode

    Acidosis refers to a lower than normal pH in the rumen.  It is a growth performance, health and...

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  • 11 Février 2013New Video Explains the use of RFI to Select for Feed Efficiency

    A new episode is now available on BeefResearchSchool.com. Efficient feed conversion...

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  • 10 Janvier 2013Managing Winter Nutrition: New Beef Research School Episode

    A new video is now available on BeefResearchSchool.com Feeding beef cattle over the...

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  • 17 Décembre 2012Feed Testing Explained in Beef Research School Video

    A new video is now available on BeefResearchSchool.com Feed testing is a fundamental tool...

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  • 17 Octobre 2012Have You Had Your Feed Tested?

    Accurate knowledge of feed quality, particularly the operation’s forage base allows one to develop feeding strategies...

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  • 17 Septembre 2012Alternative Feeds: Soybean Straw and Kochia

    Alternative feeds can help reduce feed costs or stretch feed supplies, but it’s important to take the...

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