Join Us Next Month in Calgary!
BCRC General Session – August 15th – 1:15 pm at the BMO Centre

Every time a beef producer sells an animal, they invest in research through a portion of the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off. Producer dollars help to fund scientific studies and innovative developments that are advancing Canadian beef production and impacting farms and ranches across the country.
The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is excited to invite you to join us at an upcoming general session for a clearer picture your Check-Off investment and highlights of applicable beef research and innovations you can use to help keep your operation ahead of the herd.
The BCRC general session is held in conjunction with the Canadian Beef Industry Conference (CBIC), however conference registration is not required to attend the BCRC general session.
General Session Agenda
- Economic and science-based decision making tools for producers: Tracy Herbert, Beef Cattle Research Council.
- Looking for tools to help you determine when certain science-based recommended practices are applicable to your farm or would have a net benefit for your operation on a given year? Join us for an interactive demonstration of free economic-based decision-making tools for Canadian cattle producers. Do you have a particular tool you would like to see demonstrated? Answer our poll on Facebook or on Twitter to vote for the tools we demonstrate at the conference!
You’ll also hear recent examples of progress made in beef-related research, discuss the objectives to be tackled next, and meet some of the individuals leading the way, including:
- The Potential Contribution of Beef Cattle to Antimicrobial Resistance: Tim McAllister Ph.D., Agriculture Agri-Food Canada Lethbridge
- The Canadian Cow-Calf Surveillance Network: John Campbell DVM, Western College of Veterinary Medicine
- The Environmental Hoofprint of Canadian Beef Production: Kim Ominski Ph.D., University of Manitoba
Planning to attend CBIC? Don’t miss these sessions on August 14th!
Bov-Innovation 1.0 Alternatives to Antimicrobials
Location: Palomino D at 10:15 AM and 2:45 PM
Speakers: Dr. Steve Hendrick and Producer Stephen Hughes
If you are a beef producer in Canada, you now require a prescription from a licenced veterinarian before purchasing a medically important antibiotic. While not every issue can be avoided, preventative measures can reduce the need for antimicrobials. During this session you will discover the strategies that can be used on your farm to reduce the need for antimicrobials and how this can benefit your operation.
Bov-Innovation 2.0 Dealing with Drought
Location: Palomino D at 11:15 AM and 4:45 PM
Speakers: Dr. John McKinnon and Producer Graeme Finn
In 2018, drought conditions negatively impacted beef production in Canada, and severely impacted in some locations globally. Projections suggest that the frequency and severity of drought will continue to increase in several areas that are already dry, such as the Southern Interior of British Columbia and the Prairie provinces.
Whether in the form of pasture, stored forage, or supplements, feed is the largest variable input cost in cow-calf operations. A big challenge is to feed the cow in a way that meets her current and future nutritional requirements for maintenance, lactation, and reproduction as cost effectively as possible. This challenge is obviously much greater during drought, when feed is scarce and expensive. This session will uncover ways to prepare your operation to lessen the impact of dry conditions on cattle and forages.
Public Trust Panel
The Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency is facilitating a main stage panel discussion at the Canadian Beef Industry Conference (CBIC) on August 13, highlighting more of your check-off dollars at work.
The panel, including BCRC Science Director Reynold Bergen, will focus on public trust, and more specifically how check-off dollars worked in advance of and in response to Canada’s Food Guide changes and the EAT-Lancet report. The audience will have a chance to engage with the panelists and moderator through a Q&A session and are encouraged to ask questions and comment.
The Agency is also opening up the virtual floor to questions via social media in advance of the panel, so tag your questions #cbiccheckoffpanel, and follow them at @cdnbeefcheckoff on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Use your favourite platform to submit a question, and video questions are encouraged!
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