JGL Livestock Offers Dedicated VBP+ Buying Days
Order buying firm JGL Livestock is setting aside two days this fall to feature dedicated cattle buying sessions for cattle from Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) Registered cow-calf operations. This represents the first time cattle procurement or sales outlets have focused marketing efforts on VBP+ cattle.
JGL will offer two weigh days for cattle from VBP+ Registered operations – October 17, 2018 and November 14, 2018 at their buying station in Moose Jaw, Sask. If the cattle are shipped to and fed at VBP+ Registered feedlots JGL will guarantee the cattle are ultimately harvested at the High River Cargill plant. In turn, those cattle could be eligible for the Canadian Beef Sustainability Acceleration (CBSA) pilot project. There will be no guaranteed premium paid simply because the cattle are from VBP+ Registered operations. The perk comes where the VBP+ cattle are eligible for the CBSA pilot, which has been paying back each producer who raised or fed qualifying cattle financial credits ranging for $10 to over $20 per head across the first three quarters of the pilot project.
If a non-VBP+ buyer offers a higher price, the VBP+ Registered producer/seller will have the option of selling to that buyer understanding the cattle would no longer be eligible for the CBSA pilot. Sellers are responsible for accurate descriptions of the cattle on offer including breed composition, sex, weight, vaccination history and other pertinent information. The price will depend on standard marketing factors such as cattle type, sex, flesh, shrink and current market prices. Sellers are asked to call Wade Kot with JGL at 306-692-4911 two days prior to the selected sale day for prices and details. The cattle must be hauled on the specified day to JGL’s yard in Moose Jaw to be weighed.
The seller should ensure their cattle operation is in active standing with the VBP+ program. To be eligible for the CBSA pilot cattle operations must be VBP+ Registered (audited) or registered through Where Food Comes From; be enrolled and in active status on the Business Info Exchange Systems (BIXS); and have all the cattle age verified either directly with the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) Cattle Livestock Traceability System or through BIXS. Producers on BIXS can check their VBP+ verified status by going to their BIXS account page where a “VBP+ Verified Member” notation can be seen in the bottom left corner (see image below). Please contact BIXS if you do not see that notation.

It’s important to note a few ways cattle might slip from eligibility for the CBSA pilot. VBP+ Registered operations must give permission to share data with BIXS in their VBP+ account; not doing so breaks the traceback process. If an operation has more than one CCIA account identification number, please contact CCIA to consolidate multiple CCIA account identifications for one operation into a single account and ensure that VBP+ and BIXS have the consolidated account number.
As a VBP+ Registered operation there is a downloadable form you can fill out when presenting your animals for sale. Please go here to download the form: VBP+ Sales Declaration
For more information contact Joe Jackson at JGL at 306-624-2361.
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