Industry unites to develop National Beef Strategy

January 7, 2014
Calgary, AB – The growing global demand for protein has presented Canada’s beef industry with an unprecedented opportunity to increase demand for its beef products. The ability of industry to fully seize this opportunity is not without significant challenges; tight cattle supplies, reduced marketings, and competition for arable land are among the factors to be overcome. Canada’s beef sector organizations have responded to the challenge with the creation of the National Beef Strategy. A collaborative effort of national and provincial beef sector organizations, the National Beef Strategy provides the framework for how the organizations can work together to best position the Canadian beef industry for greater profitability, growth and continued production of a high quality beef product of choice in the world.
Released publicly today, the National Beef Strategy proposes a united path forward to meeting these challenges and opportunities with a goal to benefit all sectors of the beef industry. Martin Unrau and Trevor Atchison, co-chairs of the National Beef Strategic Planning Group and members of the Canadian Beef Advisors, a group of experienced beef sector professionals leading the implementation of the National Beef Strategy, believe the beef industry needs to adapt and evolve to stay relevant. The Strategy is the way to move the industry forward, together.
““The need for industry to push itself is now,” says Unrau. “The National Beef Strategy will build on and strengthen the foundational pieces of existing work that have enabled the beef industry to grow to date but in a manner which will be more responsive to current and future needs. This will enable chronic issues, like infrastructure and capacity, to be addressed more holistically, and lead to programming to help grow beef demand and bridge to where industry wants to be in the future.”
Developed by industry for industry, the National Beef Strategy seeks to position the Canadian beef industry as the most trusted and competitive high quality beef cattle producer in the world recognized for its superior quality, safety, value, innovation and sustainable production methods.
Atchison said that moving forward with a unified approach will require the same flexibility beef producers demonstrate as they adjust business plans to manage unanticipated challenges thrown in their way. “This strategy is something all stakeholders in the industry can buy into. There’s strength in numbers and by working together we will build a stronger and more robust industry capable of meeting and responding to the opportunities now and into the future,” he said.
Learn more about how stakeholders can achieve a dynamic and profitable Canadian cattle and beef industry at
Boilerplate: The National Beef Strategy is a collaborative effort by Canadian national beef sector organizations including the Beef Cattle Research Council, Canadian Beef Breeds Council, Canada Beef Inc., Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (and its provincial member associations), and National Cattle Feeders’ Association.
The National Beef Strategy promotes a united approach to position the Canadian beef industry for greater profitability, growth and continued production of a high quality beef product of choice in the world.
For further information, contact:
Gloria Jewison
403-275-8558 x 308
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