Industry takes stock of achievements guided by the National Beef Strategy

News Release
October 3, 2018
Calgary, AB – The Canadian Beef Advisors today released a status update on the 2015-19 National Beef Strategy. The report summarizes progress towards achieving the outcomes outlined in the Strategy since its launch. As of June 2018, 15% of outcomes have been completed; 5% are in progress (have an end); 61% are ongoing (and expected to continue); 7% have not been started (primarily due to funding constraints); 8% need modification; and 5% have mixed status (due to multiple objectives at different stages).
Target outcomes in the Strategy fall within four pillars: connectivity, productivity, competitiveness and beef demand. Industry leaders representing five national beef sector organizations developed the Strategy in 2014. The collaborative effort provided the framework for how the organizations can work together to best position the Canadian beef industry for greater profitability, growth and continued production of a high quality beef product of choice in the world.
“The industry set a number of specific, ambitious goals for itself to increase demand for our products globally, while overcoming significant challenges like tight cattle supplies and competition for arable land, and we’re making good progress,” said David Haywood-Farmer, current Chair of the Beef Advisors and President of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. “This industry is moving forward because of collaborative effort, and we expect substantial progress over the next five years with the increased funding from the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off.”
Progress of note includes the development of the Public and Stakeholder Engagement program, the Canadian Beef Industry Conference, the AAA cutout remaining 19.6% above the target of $224/cwt, and the launch of the Certified Sustainable Beef (CSB) Framework with a consumer facing logo. Work continues on the traceability and labour files as well as enhancement to research capacity and programs.
The National Beef Strategy Status Update is delivered by the Canadian Beef Advisors – made up of the Beef Cattle Research Council, Canadian Beef Breeds Council, Canada Beef, Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, Canadian Meat Council, Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and National Cattle Feeders Association.
An update of the National Beef Strategy, covering the period 2020-2024, will be released in 2019 with outcomes that respond to current and future needs. The Beef Advisors are currently seeking feedback from producers through provincial cattlemen associations to ensure new and innovative ideas are included in the process.
Learn more about how stakeholders can achieve a dynamic and profitable Canadian cattle and beef industry at
Download Canada’s National Beef Strategy – Status Update 2015-2018 Full Report
Download Canada’s National Beef Strategy – Status Update 2015-2018 SUMMARY
Watch Canada’s National Beef Strategy – Status Update Webinar
For further information, contact:
Brenna Grant, Beef Advisor’s Secrétariat
(403) 451-0928