Attn Researchers and Extension Agents: Deadline for BCRC LOIs is 2 weeks away
The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) announced in June that we invite letters of intent (LOIs) for research projects as well as LOIs for technology transfer and production economics projects. The application deadline for these separate but concurrent calls is August 31, 2018 at 11:59 PM MT.
Note: settings within the LOI forms have recently been improved. To ensure you use the latest versions, you may need to clear the cache memory on your computer before clicking the links to the forms below.

Researchers should refer to the BCRC’s priority research outcomes before deciding to submit a LOI.
The purpose of these two targeted calls is to achieve objectives in the Canadian Beef Research and Technology Transfer Strategy and the National Beef Strategy. These new calls for research and technology transfer LOIs, expected to occur annually, are made possible by the recent increase in the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off in most provinces.
Approved projects, funded by Canadian cattle producers through the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off, will be required to use the industry funding to leverage additional needed funds from government or other funding organizations.
Through extensive consultation with research teams and industry stakeholders to identify critical needs and key areas where the BCRC can have the greatest impact, target outcomes have been clearly defined for both calls. Please refer to the target objectives listed within the documents linked below before deciding whether to submit a LOI.
Research Funding Application
Research projects one to three years in length may be submitted. Projects will commence no earlier than April 1, 2019 and must be completed by March 31, 2022. Extended durations are discouraged but may be granted on a case by case basis when clearly justified. Researchers early in their career are encouraged to apply as a principle investigator. Priorities include Beef Quality & Food Safety, Feed & Forage Productivity, and research to support Improvements in Productivity. Refer to the documents below for more information.
- Download the 2018 Research Call for Letters of Intent
- Download the 2018 Instructions and Guidelines for Submitting a Research LOI
- Download the 2018 Research LOI form
Technology Transfer and Production Economics Funding Application
A separate but concurrent call for LOIs is focused on technology transfer and productions economics, and proposed projects up to two years in length may be submitted. The BCRC will provide a maximum of 50% of the project budget, with a maximum BCRC contribution of $50,000 per project. Projects will commence no earlier than April 1, 2019 and must be completed by March 31, 2021. Refer to the documents below for more information.
- Download the 2018 Technology Transfer Call for LOIs including Instructions and Guidelines
- Download the 2018 Technology Transfer LOI Form
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