31 Mai 2024Applications for Regional Extension Activities Funding Now Open The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is pleased to announce that the funding...
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30 Mai 2024Ropes, Chutes or Darts? How to Safely Treat Sick Cattle on Pasture There is no more idyllic scene than a herd of cattle on a lush green pasture in the...
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29 Mai 2024Optimizing Pasture Health: A Practical Guide to Implementing "Take Half, Leave Half" Grazing ▶️🎙️ CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST:...
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23 Mai 2024Alfalfa Can Be Grazed Safely: Things to Think About Before Turning Cows Out on High-Legume Pastures Including alfalfa in a grazing stand makes sense....
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21 Mai 2024Choisir des variétés fourragères sans se perdre dans les mauvaises herbes 🎙️ Décider de réensemencer ou non un pâturage ou une prairie de...
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16 Mai 2024The Results Are In on Beef-Related Research Projects Recent beef research results on calf immunity, annual forage mixtures, telemedicine,...
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14 Mai 2024Where there are cattle, there are parasites: Nine tips for managing parasites in your herd 🎙️ CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST:...
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2 Mai 2024The Best Offense is Defense: 15 Plays to Keep Your Beef Herd Safe As humankind evolved from a nomadic hunter-gatherer society into agricultural-based...
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