April 2017

  • 25 Avril 2017Better Water = Bigger Calves: Raise Your Beef IQ

    A water source that is safe, palatable, and readily available is essential for animal survival, but...

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  • 24 Avril 2017Attention Researchers: SCAIDF Call for Proposals

    The Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association (SCA) has opened a call for proposals through the...

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  • 21 Avril 2017Questioning the Beef Industry’s Water Use

    April 22nd is Earth Day. Earth Day is recognized globally by people from all walks of life as a way to...

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  • 21 Avril 2017Ontario Cow-Calf Production Survey

    Ontario cow-calf producers, do you wonder how your operation compares with others in your region or province on...

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  • 17 Avril 2017Reminder: Nominate an Outstanding Researcher by May 1

    The Canadian Beef Industry Award for Outstanding Research and Innovation is presented by the...

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  • 17 Avril 2017Water Fight

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the April 2017 issue of Canadian Cattlemen...

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  • 15 Avril 2017Can Feeding Nitrate Improve Efficiency and Reduce Methane?

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in...

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  • 13 Avril 2017Less Complaining. More Gaining.

    Calves that are fence-line weaned vocalize 50% less, walk less, and have higher weight gains in the first 10 weeks...

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  • 5 Avril 2017AgriClear Announces Collaboration with Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+)

    New relationship will promote VBP+ Canadian cattle via web-based platform...

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  • 4 Avril 2017Second Annual Canadian Beef Industry Conference Opens Registration

    Join CBIC Aug 15-17th with early bird pricing starting at $450 Canada’s...

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  • 3 Avril 2017Are those girls in good shape? Raise your beef IQ

    Fit cows get pregnant faster. Increasing body condition scores from 2 to 3 can also increase...

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