October 2013

  • 31 Octobre 2013Molecular Factors Influencing Maintenance Energy Requirements in Mature Beef Cows

    Feed costs represent a significant input cost in the cow-calf...

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  • 28 Octobre 2013How to do a Rangeland Health Assessment: Videos

    Rangeland, or range, can perform a number of valuable functions for both the livestock industry as...

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  • 16 Octobre 2013Do it Early, Do it Right

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the October 2013 issue of Canadian...

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  • 10 Octobre 2013Retained Ownership and Feeder Basis

    Editor's note: Markets appear favorable for retained ownership of calves this year. By retaining ownership,...

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  • 3 Octobre 2013Does Cow Nutrition During Pregnancy Affect Gene Expression in the Calf?

    Traditional wisdom holds that an animal’s genetics and the environment it...

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