Take in the BCRC Presentation August 17th in Calgary

Every time a beef producer in Canada markets an animal, he or she invests in research – through a portion of the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-off. Those producer dollars help fund scientific studies and innovative developments that are advancing Canadian beef production and impacting farms and ranches across the country.
What does that mean …for you, your herd and your industry?
The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is excited to invite you to an upcoming presentation to get a clearer picture of beef research in Canada.
Join us Thursday, August 17 at the BMO Centre in Calgary, Alberta. The BCRC presentation will be held in the Palomino Room A-C from 1:30 – 4:30pm.
You’ll hear recent examples of progress made, discuss the objectives to be tackled next, meet the individuals leading the way, and take home new ideas to help keep your operation ahead of the herd. Top researchers will be in attendance to discuss some of the latest advancements in:
- Antibiotic use and resistance – Tim McAllister, PhD, Agriculture Agri-Food Canada
- Feed efficiency – Katie Wood, PhD, University of Guelph
- Lameness – Mike Jelinski, DVM, Veterinary Agri-Health Services
- Swath grazing – Vern Baron, PhD, Agriculture Agri-Food Canada
- Carcass quality improvements – Manuel Juarez, PhD, Agriculture Agri-Food Canada
- The water footprint of the Canadian beef industry – Getahun Legess, PhD, University of Manitoba
No registration or RSVP is required to attend. This presentation is held in conjunction with the 2017 Canadian Beef Industry Conference (CBIC), however conference registration is not required to attend this BCRC presentation.
If you plan to attend the Canadian Beef Industry Conference and have not yet registered, click here
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