
  • February 19, 2025Utilizing Annual and Perennial Forages to Improve Productivity

    What can I do about low productivity pastures or increase my feed supply? These three...

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  • June 18, 2024Comparing Tame Forages Under Grazing 🎙️

    Dr. Bart Lardner and colleagues at the University of Saskatchewan completed a multi-year grazing study on...

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  • May 29, 2024Optimizing Pasture Health: A Practical Guide to Implementing "Take Half, Leave Half" Grazing ▶️🎙️

    Two methods for evaluating 50% forage utilization...

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  • February 28, 2024When Do I Turn Out My Cows? Managing Spring Pastures During and After Drought 🎙️

    Managing grasslands through drought is not an easy task, but...

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  • January 25, 2024BCRC Funds Proof of Concept and Technology Transfer Projects to Propel Canadian Beef Industry Forward

    Six POC research projects and 13 KTT activities...

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  • September 12, 2023Grazing Cattle on Cropland Can Be Mutually Beneficial 🎙️

    Grazing cattle and crops together can be a win-win solution for both crop and cattle...

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  • July 20, 2023Polycrop Potential: 12 Tips for Using Mixed Forage Crops 🎙️

    Many producers are seeding polycrops of three or more species in hopes of improving...

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  • June 13, 2023Developing a Grazing Plan: Make the Most of the Forage You Have Available

    Seven steps for developing a grazing plan to help you reach your production...

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  • December 5, 2022Five Management Tips To Make a Big Impact in Small Herds 🎙️

    In 2021, 53% of farms with cattle in Canada reported having 72 head or less. What...

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  • August 16, 2022Strategies for Fall and Winter Grazing: Eastern Canadian Perspectives 🎙️

    Two Eastern Canadian producers share successful extended grazing...

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  • March 31, 2022Two Methods, Four Steps for Calculating Carrying Capacity

    Establish a stocking rate that maintains productivity of herd and forage while encouraging...

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  • January 27, 2022*Upcoming Webinar* Grazing Game Plan: How to Develop a Grazing Plan- February 9

    Grazing is an essential part of raising cattle on the Canadian...

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  • October 12, 2021Meet the Council: Flexibility and Creative Solutions Provide Opportunity for These Beef Stakeholders

    The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is made...

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  • September 21, 2021Registration Now Open For 2021/2022 Webinar Series

    This year’s Beef Cattle Research Council webinar series will cover a range of topics including...

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  • May 11, 2021Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: Tips for Forest Grazing Cattle 🎙️


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  • August 26, 2020The Benefits of Bringing Cattle and Crops Together

    Producers share their successes with grazing cattle on neighbouring cropland. Keep Reading