February 18, 2025Responsible Antibiotic Use on Canadian Cow-Calf Operations 🎙️ How has the requirement of a veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR) impacted...
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February 12, 2025Out with the Old, In with the New 🎙️ New forage varieties are helping fill gaps in the grazing season by allowing beef cattle to graze for longer...
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January 21, 2025Microbiome – The Little Things May Mean a Lot 🎙️ A “microbiome” is all the microbes (bacteria, fungi, viruses, and their genes) living in a...
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December 17, 2024Big Cows and Big Questions 🎙️ Big cows aren’t necessarily bad, but they don’t work for everyone. If they’re coming back open before...
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December 12, 2024Baby, It’s Cold Outside – Six Tips for Managing Beef Cattle in Cold Weather 🎙️ As temperatures drop it is important to monitor how cattle are...
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November 19, 2024Overextended Grazing 🎙️ Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan evaluate winter grazing beef cows on corn stover and whole-plant barley...
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October 29, 2024Where Does Corn Fit in Western Canadian Feedlot Diets? Replacing all or a portion of barley ingredients with corn grain or snaplage in feedlot cattle...
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October 8, 2024Why Are You So Lame? Analyzing Lameness in Cattle 🎙️ Lameness is the second leading reason that feedlot cattle are pulled and given antibiotics....
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September 24, 2024Producers Weigh in on Weaning, Preg-Checking and More 🎙️ Knowing the production practices producers adopt across Canada and which they don't (and...
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September 10, 2024Results of the Inaugural Canadian Cow-Calf Survey🎙️ The Canadian Cow-Calf Survey recently collected data from 600 beef producers across nine...
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August 13, 2024Genes Behind the Scenes 🎙️ The cattle you raise and the beef they produce are the result of two factors – their genetic potential and the...
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July 30, 2024Supplementation Matters - Navigating Trace Mineral Requirements of a Beef Herd 🎙️ Regional variation in the trace mineral content of forages and...
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July 25, 2024Dive into the Top Five Canadian Beef Cattle Podcast Episodes 🎙️ With over 25 episodes of the Canadian Beef Cattle Podcast released, we count...
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June 25, 2024Water Systems on Pasture: An Eastern Canadian Beef Producer Perspective 🎙️ Access to clean water sources on pasture is essential for intensifying...
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June 18, 2024Comparing Tame Forages Under Grazing 🎙️ Dr. Bart Lardner and colleagues at the University of Saskatchewan completed a multi-year grazing study on...
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May 29, 2024Optimizing Pasture Health: A Practical Guide to Implementing "Take Half, Leave Half" Grazing ▶️🎙️ Two methods for evaluating 50% forage utilization...
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May 21, 2024Choosing Forage Varieties Without Getting Lost in the Weeds 🎙️ Deciding whether or how to reseed a pasture or hay stand can be confusing, costly...
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May 14, 2024Where There Are Cattle, There Are Parasites: Nine Tips for Managing Parasites in Your Herd 🎙️ Effective parasite management in beef cattle is a...
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April 23, 2024Passing the Torch Successfully 🎙️ Dr. Bill Biligetu at the University of Saskatchewan has continued legendary forage breeder Dr. Bruce Coulmans...
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April 9, 2024How to Rebound from High Open Rates🎙️ High cattle open rates recorded in areas across Western Canada last year mean affected beef producers...
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March 19, 2024BCRC’s Producer Survey Helps Check-Off Dollars Go Further and Supports Consumer Confidence 🎙️ Understanding the current adoption of pain...
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February 28, 2024When Do I Turn Out My Cows? Managing Spring Pastures During and After Drought 🎙️ Managing grasslands through drought is not an easy task, but...
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February 22, 2024Considerations When Using Alternative Feeds - Have You Done Your Homework? 🎙️ Alternative feeds can be an economical means for beef producers...
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February 20, 2024An Ounce of Prevention 🎙️ Vaccines are designed to help cattle resist diseases, but they won't overcome poor management protocols or improper...
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February 6, 2024Calm, Cool and Collected – Prepare for a Smooth and Healthy Calving Season 🎙️ Taking the time to prepare ahead of calving can help to minimize...
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January 23, 2024Say "Beef" - We're Taking a Snapshot! 🎙️ Finding profit opportunities for beef cattle producers utilizing various production systems brings...
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January 17, 2024🎙️New Podcast for Beef Cattle Producers Tune in to the BCRC's new podcast featuring popular content from BeefResearch.ca in an audio format.
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December 19, 2023Fast Action at the Watering Hole🎙️ Bovine respiratory disease can spread among cattle at feedlot water bowls, but they also may be a place to...
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December 11, 2023Science Confirms the Beef Industry's Environmental Benefits 🎙️ Canadian beef producers continue significant progress in making their cattle...
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November 15, 2023Genetic IQ: Defining Traits That Matter in Your Beef Herd and Tracking Data to Make Decisions 🎙️ What tools can help producers optimize genetic...
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October 31, 2023Do Transport Rest Stops Put Calf Health at Risk? 🎙️ New research suggests rest stops may increase the risk of BRD and potentially the need for...
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October 11, 2023Understanding the Five W's of Cattle Injections: Who, What, When, Where & Why 🎙️ These beef cattle injection techniques are recommended...
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September 12, 2023Grazing Cattle on Cropland Can Be Mutually Beneficial 🎙️ Grazing cattle and crops together can be a win-win solution for both crop and cattle...
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August 3, 2023Ergot in Feed: Is There a Safe Concentration for Beef Cattle? 🎙️ Recent studies suggest recommended concentrations of ergot and deoxynivalenol in...
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July 20, 2023Polycrop Potential: 12 Tips for Using Mixed Forage Crops 🎙️ Many producers are seeding polycrops of three or more species in hopes of improving...
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June 27, 2023Dairy-Beef: Shifting from the Parlour to the Feedlot 🎙️ Part one in a series exploring opportunities and challenges of dairy-beef cross calves...
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April 25, 2023One Health Strategies Help a Farm Family Navigate a "Winter from Hell" 🎙️ ▶️ How One Health principles helped an Alberta farm family find a...
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April 12, 2023Taking Pain Management Mainstream-- Beef Producers Add Pain Medication to Their Routines and Benefit Their Herds🎙️ The number of producers providing pain management...
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March 16, 2023Chute Decisions – Using Low Tech and High Tech Record Systems to Help Make Decisions Chute-Side 🎙️ These producers made the switch from paper...
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January 5, 2023Ready or Not, Calving is Coming -- Plan Ahead for a Streamlined Calving Season 🎙️ Focusing on four main aspects of planning can ensure a safe...
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December 8, 2022The Sandhills Strategy -- Moving Pregnant Cows to Fresh Ground and Leaving Pairs Behind Can Limit Calf Sickness 🎙️ Pour certains producteurs, l'adoption du système...
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December 5, 2022Five Management Tips To Make a Big Impact in Small Herds 🎙️ In 2021, 53% of farms with cattle in Canada reported having 72 head or less. What...
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November 16, 2022Seven Tips for Grazing Corn 🎙️ Grazing standing corn has many benefits including being a high-energy forage but can also pose animal health risks...
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August 16, 2022Strategies for Fall and Winter Grazing: Eastern Canadian Perspectives 🎙️ Two Eastern Canadian producers share successful extended grazing...
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May 5, 2022Looking to Cut Costs this Spring? Think Twice Before Cutting Vitamins, Minerals and Vaccinations 🎙️ Avoid long-term problems caused by short-term...
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April 29, 2022How (and Why) These Eastern Canadian Cow-Calf Producers Changed and Defined Their Calving Periods 🎙️ A beef producer from Nova Scotia and another from...
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August 13, 2021Patience, Silence & Observation – Practical Tips to Reducing Stress When Handling Cattle The benefits of minimizing stress for beef cattle are wide...
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May 19, 2021Test Stock Water & Reduce Worry🎙️ CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST: Listen to more episodes on BeefResearch.ca, Spotify,...
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May 11, 2021Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: Tips for Forest Grazing Cattle 🎙️ CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST: Listen to more...
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February 18, 2021Protecting Your Investment: Bull Management 🎙️ The investment in a herd sire is often a large purchase for any cow-calf operation. To ensure this...
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December 7, 2020Calving Season Timing and Transition - Fast Forward, Rewind, or Press Play Just as every farm operates with an independent set of circumstances, and...
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November 26, 2020Eleven Ways to Avoid Feed Waste this Winter 🎙️ CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST: Listen to more episodes...
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October 6, 2020Beat Costs and Boost Yields with Bale Grazing 🎙️ Editor’s note: The following is part one of a two-part series to help evaluate...
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June 11, 2020Hooves not Harrows – Harnessing Cow Power to Rejuvenate Forages 🎙️ CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST: Listen to more episodes...
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February 24, 2020Proper Management Key to Minimize Risk of Calf Scours 🎙️ CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST: Listen to more episodes...
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January 9, 2020Buying Power: Bull Selection to Improve Your Bottom Line 🎙️ There are many different types of bulls available, and effective sire selection...
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February 14, 2019Bull Selection: What are you looking for? 🎙️ Deliberate alignment of the bull's genetics to your operational goals will contribute to enhanced...
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February 7, 2019Bull Selection: Breeding Programs That Suit Operational Goals 🎙️ There is no one-size-fits-all solution or breeding program that is best for all...
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