Swath and Bale Grazing Strategies: Webinar November 23
Update: Missed the webinar? Find the recording and check for future webinars on our Webinars page.

On the fence about incorporating swath or bale grazing on your operation? Join us to learn more about this practice and why it may be a good option for you. Although advice will primarily be intended for producers in Eastern Canada, there will be tips and tricks that Western Canadians can incorporate as well, followed by an opportunity for everyone to ask questions.
Wednesday, November 23, at 7:00 pm EST
- 4:00pm in BC
- 5:00pm in AB
- 6:00pm in SK and MB
- 7:00pm in ON and QC
- 8:00pm in NS, NB and PEI

Door Prize!
Producers that attend this webinar will be entered to win a copy of Cool Forages: Advanced management of temperate forages ($60 value).
Interested but aren’t available that evening?
Register anyway! This webinar will be recorded and posted online at a later date. All registrants will receive a link to the recording and additional learning resources. By attending the live event, you’ll have the opportunity to interact and ask questions too.
Find and register for more BCRC webinars here.
Watching on a tablet or mobile device?
If you plan to join the webinar using your tablet or mobile device, you will need to download the appropriate receiver. We recommend that you join the webinar 15 minutes early as you will be prompted to download the receiver once you log in, which may take several minutes to complete. To download the receiver ahead of time, visit: http://www.citrix.com/go/receiver.html
Approximately 1 hour.
BCRC webinars are available and free of charge thanks to guest speakers who volunteer their time and expertise to support advancements in the Canadian beef industry, and through the Knowledge Dissemination and Technology Transfer project funded by the National Check-off and Canada’s Beef Science Cluster.
John Duynisveld, MSc – Research Biologist, Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada

John Duynisveld has been a beef researcher in AAFC Nappan for 17 years. On-going research includes the effect of forage species on beef productivity, the effect of bio-active forages on animal production, and extending the grazing season. His family farm raises grass-fed beef, sheep, and pork, and free range chickens and turkeys. Between his research career and cattle herd at home, John has been using fall and winter grazing for over 15 years.
Vern Baron, PhD – Research Scientist, Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada

Vern Baron was raised on a farm in South-Western Manitoba. He completed a BSc in Plant Science at the University of Manitoba and M.Sc. and Ph.D. at the University of Guelph in Crop Science on the topics of high moisture corn preservation and evaluation of short season corn hybrids for forage. He has worked as an Agricultural Representative for Manitoba Agriculture and has been at the Lacombe Research Centre with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada since 1982.
Dr. Baron has been the Co-leader of the Western Forage Beef Group, is a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Agronomy, and has been a Division chair of the Forages and Grasslands section of the Crop Science Society of America and Associate Editor for Canadian Journal of Plant Science, Agronomy Journal and currently Crop Science.
Dr. Baron is a leader of research projects in the areas of extending the grazing season, environmental impacts of beef production and forage management on the environment, and the role of annual forages including corn, barley and triticale in beef systems in Western Canada.
What is a webinar?
Webinars are just like attending a workshop or conference, but from the comfort of your own home or office. We bring the presentation right to you. They’re easy to join and participate in. A reliable, high-speed internet connection is required.
All you need to do is register beforehand, and about 5-10 minutes before the webinar is scheduled to begin, click the link you were provided when you registered. Then turn up your computer speakers or call the phone number provided. That’s it! Sit back and enjoy. As a participant, you can anonymously answer polls and surveys, and will have the opportunity to ask questions near the end of the webinar.
Don’t have high-speed internet? Consider calling a neighbor that does and watch the webinar together, or call your regional ag office to ask whether arranging a group viewing is possible.
Visit our Webinars page to find other upcoming BCRC webinars and the recordings of our past sessions.

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