Registration open for the 2018-19 BCRC webinars
This year’s BCRC webinar topics include an update on the upcoming changes to antibiotic use, grazing management, animal transport, and other practical, science-based information for Canadian beef producers.
Unlike past years, you can now register for as many (or all!) of the webinars you’re interested in at once. After you click the link above, be sure to scroll down to see and selectfor all eight (8).
See topics and descriptions below.
We recommend registering regardless of whether you can attend during the date/time listed. By registering, you’ll receive the link that allows you to watch the recording at any time, reminders to attend the live event, plus additional resources on the topic. It’s no problem if you miss a webinar you’d registered for – you will receive a link to the recording – however joining the live broadcast is recommended as it gives you the opportunity to interact and ask your own questions.
BCRC webinars are available and free of charge thanks to guest speakers who volunteer their time and expertise to support advancements in the Canadian beef industry, and through the Knowledge Dissemination and Technology Transfer project funded by the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off and Canada’s Beef Science Cluster.
Recordings of our past webinars can be found on our webinars page.
2018-19 BCRC Webinars:
Managing replacement heifers – October 3, 2018, 7:00pm MT
Speakers: John Campbell, DVM, Veterinarian and Professor at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine and Kathy Larson, Economist at the Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence
Replacement heifers are the future of your herd – set them up for a long and productive lifespan. This webinar will discuss economic and reproductive management considerations for successful replacement heifer development. Producers will learn about recommended practices, biological hurdles, and money matters that will aid them with their own heifer development strategies.
The way you purchase antibiotics is changing – November 14, 2018, 7:00pm MT
Speakers: Mike Jelinski, DVM, Veterinarian at Veterinary Agri-Health, Melissa Dumont, Executive Director of the Animal Nutrition Association of Canada, and Reynold Bergen, Ph.D., Beef Cattle Research Council Science Director
As of December 1st, you will need a prescription to purchase virtually any antibiotic on your farm. How will that effect your operation? Join us to learn what the regulations mean when it comes to working with your veterinarian and purchasing medicated feed, and the facts about antibiotic use and resistance in Canadian beef cattle.
Transporting cattle safely – November 28, 2018, 7:00pm MT
Speaker: Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, Ph.D., Research Scientist at Agriculture Agri-Food Canada in Lethbridge
Transporting cattle is the part of the beef production system that is most visible to the public. Research to understand current realities and determine best practices for transporting cattle is ongoing. Join this webinar to learn what that research has found, as well as practical tips that you can use for successful transport outcomes.
Using nasal vaccines effectively – December 11, 2018, 7:00pm MT
Speaker: Nathan Erickson, DVM, Veterinarian and Assistant Professor at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine
Nasal vaccines are gaining popularity among beef producers but questions often arise about how to use them effectively. What is the best way and the best time to give them? Should you provide a booster? If so, with what? Join this webinar to learn the answers to these questions and more.
Veterinary insights from across Canada – January 15, 2019, 5:00pm MT
Speakers: TBD
A panel of veterinarians from across Canada will discuss some of the most common diseases they see, including pink eye and footrot, and will answer your questions.
Grazing management – February 12, 2019, 7:00pm MT
Speaker: TBD
During this webinar you will hear from grazing experts on different grazing management techniques that can help your pastures to become more productive and profitable.
What’s in your water? Water quality and the economics of pump systems – March 14, 2019, 7:00pm MT
Speakers: Leah Clark, Livestock Specialist at the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Brenna Grant, Manager at Canfax Research Services
Testing your water sources to ensure it is good quality and free of toxins can help to prevent animal health issues or even death. This webinar will discuss when you should be testing your water, how to do it, what to test for, and what limits are acceptable. We will also talk economics of pumped water systems, running numbers to see how quickly infrastructure to pump water from a dugout will pay for itself.
Integrating cover crops into forage operations – March 26, 2019, 7:00MT
Speaker: Jillian Bainard, Ph.D., Research Scientist at Agriculture Agri-Food Canada in Swift Current, SK
Learn more about using cover crops for forage from a research perspective, and hear about producer experiences as well. We will discuss aspects from nutrition to productivity.

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