Practical Tools to Protect Canadian Livestock from Foot and Mouth Disease

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Beef producers feel the responsibility of keeping their herds and those in contact with their cattle safe, and they appreciate practical tools that support their disease prevention practices. When it comes to biosecurity practices on beef cattle operations, limiting hazards and appropriately responding with good management are key in disease prevention. These practices ultimately protect the herd and the Canadian livestock industry from the animal health and economic impacts of foreign animal diseases, including Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD).
To increase awareness of available tools for farmers and ranchers, a collaborative effort between the BCRC and Animal Health Canada (AHC) is currently underway ensuring that prevention and emergency response resources are being tailored specifically to the needs of Canadian beef producers.
Foot and Mouth Disease is a highly infectious virus that has serious consequences for the beef industry and populations of beef cattle and other cloven-hoofed animals worldwide, including severe economic and animal health impacts. Canada currently has an FMD-free without vaccination trade status and maintaining this status is the responsibility of all sectors within the industry.
Animal Health Canada is a not-for-profit corporation jointly funded by its members, which include federal, provincial and territorial governments, industry organizations and other partners working in animal health and welfare in Canada. AHC works to bring groups within Canada’s livestock industry together to keep Canada’s farms healthy. As an organization that promotes an understanding of the various roles and responsibilities within the livestock industry, they provide resources to ensure preparedness in the case of emergencies.
Everyday Biosecurity Practices That Protect Cattle
Daily habits go a long way to reduce or prevent the spread of disease. Understanding the every-day risks of introducing disease to a beef cattle herd helps protect the animals and the people who care for them.
It is helpful to consider potential ways disease could enter your herd, including:
- shared fencelines,
- buying replacement heifers or bulls,
- borrowing trailers or other equipment,
- outsourcing farm work or
- hosting visitors from another farm or other countries.
Implementing biosecurity strategies that work on your farm can stop disease from entering, spreading and leaving your herd:
- Cleaning and disinfecting protocols
- Good management techniques, including vaccination protocols and animal husbandry to keep animals at a low risk of infection
- Good hygiene practices, including working with animals with the least exposure to pathogens to the animals with the greatest exposure to pathogens
- Quarantine protocols for animals leaving or entering the operation
- Hygiene protocols for people, animals and equipment leaving or entering the premises
On a broader scale, the biosecurity measures you implement are essential to keeping the Canadian Livestock industry thriving and free of reportable diseases and trade-limiting diseases including FMD.
Foot and Mouth Disease Detection
In a new video, Chief Veterinary Officer for the Canadian Cattle Association Dr. Leigh Rosengren emphasizes the devastating nature of FMD and highlights the importance of vigilance and preventative measures. If FMD were to spread to Canada, it could lead to significant disruptions in the livestock industry, including trade restrictions, culling of infected and at-risk animals and substantial financial losses.
The following are key messages on Foot and Mouth Disease detection and spread:
- FMD is not a public health concern, nor is it a food safety issue. FMD is not related to “Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease” common in children.
- The clinical signs of FMD include anorexia, depression, fever, lameness, reduced milk output, salivation, blisters and lesions on the mouth, teats and feet.
- FMD can cause abortion and sudden death in neonates.
- Foot and Mouth Disease can be spread by direct contact, in the air and on fomites.
- Recognizing FMD early and preventing the movement of infected animals is critical.
Fomites are objects or materials which are likely to carry infection including trucks, footwear and service providers moving from one farm to another.

Foot and Mouth Disease Response
In part two of the video series, Dr. Rosengren and Canadian Beef Cattle Producer Miles Wowk explain how preventative measures, including biosecurity protocols and surveillance, are important to keep the FMD virus outside of Canada’s borders and the necessity for a rapid response plan to contain any outbreaks. It’s crucial for farmers, veterinarians and authorities to work together to prevent the introduction and spread of FMD.
Here are key messages Canadian farmers need to know to prepare and respond to Foot and Mouth Disease:
- If you have a suspicion that FMD may have entered your herd, take immediate action. Stop all movement of animals and people on your operation and phone your veterinarian.
- Veterinarians are aware of the reporting process and will notify the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).
- Thinking ahead and preparing an on-farm biosecurity preparedness plan in the event of an outbreak is good practice.
- Keep good records.
Travel to countries that have active outbreaks poses a risk to those returning to Canadian farms, so it is important to train all farm personnel on the importance of biosecurity and the specific measures to follow after travel. If international visitors will be on your farm, have a plan in place to prevent possible infection:
- Wear disposable boot covers.
- Prevent direct contact with cattle.
- Vehicles should be washed and disinfected prior to coming on-farm.
Watch the consequences of the decisions made by Richard and Jennifer on their international holiday:
Additional resources created as part of this collaborative project between the BCRC and Animal Health Canada include:
- Biosecurity videos and reels
- Biosecurity images
- Recommendations for travelers from the Canadian Cattle Association
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