Practical and Effective Methods of Pain Control: Webinar October 21
Update: Missed the webinar? Find the recording and check for future webinars on our Webinars page.
The knowledge of pain in livestock has advanced steadily over the past 20+ years. Behavioral and physiological indicators of pain have been identified, and researchers’ ability to measure animal responses associated to painful procedures have improved. Research has developed new pain control drugs that are registered for use in cattle in Canada, and knowledge is building on the appropriate dosage, routes of administration and synergy between anesthetics and analgesics.
Meanwhile, consumer pressure is building to avoid painful practices on cattle when possible, and to reduce pain when castration, dehorning, or branding are necessary. The new Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle also makes strong statements about pain control.
Join this free webinar to learn more about the science of pain in beef cattle, the benefits of pain mitigation, and practical methods of mitigating pain in your animals.

Wednesday, October 21 at 7pm MDT
- 6:00pm in BC
- 7:00pm in AB and SK
- 8:00pm in MB
- 9:00pm in ON and QC
- 10:00pm in NS, NB and PEI
Approximately 1 hour.
BCRC webinars are available and free of charge thanks to guest speakers who volunteer their time and expertise to support advancements in the Canadian beef industry, and through the Knowledge Dissemination and Technology Transfer project funded by the National Check-off and Canada’s Beef Science Cluster.
Interested but aren’t available that evening?
Register anyway! This webinar will be recorded and posted online at a later date. All registrants will receive a link to the recording and additional learning resources. By attending the live event, you’ll have the opportunity to interact and ask questions too.

Andrea Brocklebank- Executive Director of Beef Cattle Research Council
Andrea works collaboratively with the industry to oversee the delivery of a research program through the BCRC and Beef Science Cluster that funds research projects in areas of importance to the Canadian beef industry. She oversees the development and implementation of research programming, administration of funding granted by the National Check-off and the Beef Science Cluster, and the delivery of extension activities.
John Campbell DVM, DVSc – Veterinarian and professor at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Campbell is currently Dept. Head of the Dept. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. His main research interests are beef cattle production medicine and antimicrobial resistance. Dr. Campbell was also a member of the developmental and scientific committees when the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle was last updated.
Dr. Campbell graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College. After several years of private practice, he returned to OVC to complete a Doctor of Veterinary Science degree. He has worked on the Ruminant Field Service Practice at WCVM since 1991
What is a webinar?
Webinars are just like attending a workshop or conference, but from the comfort of your own home or office. We bring the presentation right to you. They’re easy to join and participate in. A reliable, high-speed internet connection is required.
All you need to do is register beforehand, and about 5-10 minutes before the webinar is scheduled to begin, click the link you were provided when you registered. Then turn up your computer speakers or call the phone number provided. That’s it! Sit back and enjoy. As a participant, you can anonymously answer polls and surveys, and will have the opportunity to ask questions near the end of the webinar.
Don’t have high-speed internet? Consider calling a neighbor that does and watch the webinar together, or call your regional ag office to ask whether arranging a group viewing is possible.

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